Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fiqh ul Hadeeth

During first year Arees we studied hadith terminology, meanings of various words related to science of hadith like the meaning of sahih, and hasan sahih, sahih li ghayri etc.
This year we are studying fiqh of Hadith. The book we are currently studying is Umdat ul Ahkam. Umda which means foundation or cornerstone of the ruling, so the name matches the book. All of the narrations in this book are sahih (authentic). There are about 425 ahadith in the book, most of which are taken from sahih al bukhari and sahih muslim.

The first book is Book of purification. Like Sahih bukhari, the first hadith is hadith on intention.

Hadith Number 1:

Narrated by U'mar Bin Al-Khattab ( May Allah be please with him): I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for."

Actions are judged upon intentions, which determine whether the actions are correct or not and whether the actions are perfect or incomplete and whether the actions are act of obedience to Allah or disobedience.

Some examples:

If someone does a deed intending to show off with (Riyaa) then he commits a sin even if the deed is a good deed. Like prayer.

If someone intended with Jihad to raise the word of Allah only then he perfected his deed and reward but if he intends to raise the word of Allah but hoping to win something of the bounties, as well then his reward decreases accordingly. However, if he intends to get the bounty only then he does not commit a sin but he will not be given the reward as well. Therefore, as can be seen, the Hadith puts every act in different panel based on the intention of each deed whether it was a good deed or a bad deed.
  • Intention is very important necessary condition that needs to be found in actions. Yet, there should be no exaggeration in intention that ruins and distract whoever worships from performing his worshiping properly because just intending to do something is an intention itself.
  • The place of the intention is in the heart and uttering it loudly is an innovation.
  • The necessity of avoiding showing off, Riyaa (the intention to enhance one's dignity in the eyes of the people by means of acts of obedience to Allah Ta'ala) and performing deeds for Dunya purposes that ruin your act of worshiping.
  • The necessity of observing, maintaining and taking care of the hearts’ deeds
  • Emigrating from the land of Shirk to the land of Islam is amongst the best great deeds to do, if it is done for Allah sake.

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