Wednesday, October 27, 2010

When it Rains (or not), What to do and say?

The Prophet (saw) Guidance regarding Salatul Istisqa' (Prayer  For Rain)

It is Autumn, and with it comes rain. Some people are not so blessed to have rain in different parts of the world. Whether or not it rains, here are some dua's one can recite related to rain.

The Prophet performed several types of Istisqa’ at different times:

  • During Friday (during the Khutba, if it rained for a week, Next Friday, he asked for rain to stop).
  • In the Musalla - He would praise, Glorify Allah and ask for rain, raise his hands high. Than pray 2 rakaat.
  • While on the pulpit (not on Friday)
  • While sitting inside the masjid he would invoke Allah for rain.
  • At Azzawra’ (a place outside Medina)
  • During the battle. (to get water as they were thirsty. It rained till it flooded the valley)

The guidance of the Prophet to ask for rain:
  • To raise the hands.
  • To invoke Allah.
  • To show the need.
  • The guidance of the Prophet once it’s raining (O, Allah! Make it plenty and beneficial)
  • To uncover part of the body. (to that the rain touched a part of the body).


Dua for Rain:

Allaahumma 'asqinaa ghaythan mugheethan maree'an maree'an, naafi'an ghayradhaarrin, 'aajilan ghayra 'aajilin.
O Allah, shower upon us abundant rain, beneficial not harmful, swiftly and not delayed.

Allaahumma 'aghithnaa, Allaahumma 'aghithnaa, Allaahumma 'aghithnaa.
O Allah , send us rain . O Allah , send us rain . O Allah , send us rain.

Allaahum-masqi 'ibaadaka, wa bahaa'imaka, wanshur rahmataka, wa 'ahyi baladakal-mayyita

O Allah , give water to Your slaves , and Your livestock , and spread Your mercy , and revive Your dead land.


When it rains:

Allaahumma sayyiban naafi'an
O Allah , (bring) beneficial rain clouds.

After it rains

Mutirnaa bifadhlillaahi wa rahmatihi.

It has rained by the bounty of Allah and His mercy.

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